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Important:  Payment Information & Pricing

First, let me say that I wish that medical insurance was not as complicated as it is.  I struggle to know what my insurance does and does not cover.  Ultimately, you will be held responsible for your bill so please be diligent in trying to understand how your insurance works.  Before you come to PT, please take some time to know the answers to these questions:

1.  Is Harmony an in-network provider for you?  My NPI is 1154760890 and that number can be given to your insurance to check and see if I am in-network for you or not.

2.  If not, how does that affect what your insurance and you will pay?

3.  Do they require a physician's order to cover PT services?

3.  Have you met your deductible?  If not, how much have you met of it?

4.  Do you have to meet your deductible before your insurance will pay on PT services?

5.  Do you have a co-pay or a co-insurance?

6.  How many PT visits does your plan cover for the year?

7.  Does your insurance show that you have used any PT visits for the year (sometimes chiropractors may use similar billing codes and your insurance may be counting chiro visits as PT visits)?

8.  Do your PT visits have to be authorized after the initial evaluation is completed for your insurance to pay?

Now, will I call and try to verify this information for you?  Yes, but ultimately it is your responsibility.  People are fallible, myself included, and I have seen many patients get stuck with unexpected bills because they did not understand the ins and outs of what their benefits were. 


Same day, private pay prices are simple and listed below but insurance "not so much."  Your insurance contracts their own pricing and it is different for each so if you are paying a percentage coinsurance, I will not be able to tell you a specific number.  I can give you a guesstimate.   

  • Private/ same day pay PT session prices will be as follows:

  • PT Eval $100

  • PT Follow up visits, yoga instruction, health coaching, or maintenence PT visit (for patients who have been evaluated and completed the PT plan of care and would like to continue to receive massage, exercise guidance, etc on an as needed basis)  55 mins $80

  • Fitness Classes and workshop prices are to be determined

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